Rob on the Pjorsa

River: Pjorsa (lower section)

Grid Reference: 63 deg 56′ N; 20 deg 38′ W.

Grade: IV.

Length: 2 km.

Date run: 8.07.91.

Weather conditions: Very hot and sunny.

River level: High.

Significant portages: None.

Access arrangements

Access up a track to the Krokar farm 3 km east of the bridge where route 1 crosses the river.


Get out on the west side where the track approaches the river and the river starts to flatten out.


Tom on the Pjorsa

This is the biggest volume river in Iceland running at around 900 cumecs???. This section is mainly big and bouncy. It’s easy if the right line is taken, but it’s not easy to see and the consequences of the wrong line could be quite serious. There are a lot of big holes.
Take the first rapid in the centre and then head left between the long island and the bank. Keep left then burst right after the large central pourover to avoid the large rock on the right. The section under the bridge can be taken anywhere. The river then goes over a horrific 7 metre drop. The central drop is not for canoeing but there is a line on the extreme right hand side. Go down hugging the right bank avoiding the huge central hole and inspect before running. There are some big pourovers to avoid after which the river flattens out. Beware of the fishing nets in the centre of the river.